How does the Babysitters List work?
The purpose of the Babysitter’s List is to provide a free platform for child carers and parents to connect. This service is accessible to anyone once you have created a profile through the signup page on this website and have provided the mandatory information required.
Although you don’t have to fill in all of the profile information, it is recommended that you put in as much as you can in order to increase your chances of being chosen for a job. Similarly, you are not required to have any educational qualifications or a driver’s license but in some cases, this may make you a better candidate for the job.
Once your profile is completed, it will be made public on this website. Your contact information will only be available to Parents that have created an account and are logged in. Parents will then contact you directly. We are not involved in any exchange of money or services that occurs between you and the parents.
Working with Children Check
The Working with Children Check (WWC Check) is a screening process for assessing people aged over 18 years who work with or care for children. It involves considering a person’s criminal history and relevant professional conduct findings.
If you are aged 18 years or older, before you can be listed on the site, we requires verification of your WWC Check. This means you need to obtain a WWC Check or update your existing WWC Check account to be included on our list. Once you have done this, Working with Children Check Victoria (WWC Check Victoria) will send a letter of confirmation and a copy of your WWC Check card to the Babysitters List. You are then able to be included on the Babysitters List.
For further information, see WWC Check Victoria.
Additional screening and checks
Other than verifying your WWC Check, we do not conduct additional screening or background checks of Babysitters. However, we encourage Parents to conduct appropriate screening and checks of prospective Babysitters. With this in mind, you may consider the making the following available on request:
- contact details for two referees
- national police records check (www.police.vic.gov.au)
- copy of driver’s license
- copy of any relevant qualifications or certificates, e.g. first aid, anaphylaxis training.
Rates of Pay
The Babysitters List does not set rates of pay. Rates of pay are agreed between you and the Parents. Depending on the circumstances, it may also be relevant to discuss reimbursement of expenses incurred by you (e.g. purchase of food for children, use of own car to transport children).
For information about minimum rates of pay, see the Fair Work Ombudsman.
Nature of engagement
Many babysitting jobs are likely to be ad-hoc, casual engagements. However, if you are providing babysitting services to the same family on a recurring or regular basis, you may be in an employment relationship or an independent contractor relationship. This impacts on your legal obligations and entitlements. Please note that we are not involved in any arrangements made between you and Parents.
For information about employment relationships and independent contractor arrangements see the Fair Work Ombudsman. See also Business Victoria.
Other terms and conditions
Depending on the arrangement between you and the Parents, you may be entitled to other minimum terms and conditions of employment, such as maximum weekly hours, leave entitlements and notice of termination. For information about minimum terms and conditions of employment, see the Fair Work Ombudsman,
In general, superannuation is payable if you provide domestic services to a family for more than 30 hours per week. For information about superannuation entitlements, see the Australian Taxation Office.
There are general obligations on employers and others to provide a safe place of work. Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation if injured at work. For further information about health and safety at work and workers’ compensation, see WorkSafe Victoria.
Parents are responsible for complying with any minimum terms and conditions for Babysitters.
You are responsible for paying any tax obligations in relation to babysitting jobs. For further information, see the Australian Taxation Office.