This is just a community/volunteer based listing service
We have nothing to do with any dealings between Parents and Babysitters.
How do I find babysitters in my area?
STEP 1: Search
STEP 2: Contact
STEP 3: Meet
Meet with and interview your chosen babysitter or nanny. Book childcare directly with your babysitter/nanny
Parents contact, communicate with and pay babysitters & nannies directly – we are just a free advertising service
Most direct way to find Babysitters in Victoria

What are the fees?
It’s completely free for all users – whether your are a babysitter / nanny or a parent looking to engage one.
Babysitters don’t pay to register and publish their profiles.
Similarly for parents, searching the Babysitters List database, browsing profiles and contacting babysitters are free.
No Fees! Free to Join! Free to use!

How do I advertise my availability?
If you are a childcare provider looking for babysitting / nannying jobs, simply sign up here with your details.
Once we confirm your details, your profile will then be visible to parents browsing the site.
Parents will contact you directly.

- Date night
- After-school
- Daytime
- Last-minute
- Newborn & infant
- Occasional & temporary
- Backup childcare
- Weekdays & weekends
- Parent helpers
- Daycare closure
- School holidays
- Hotel Child-minding
- Special occasions
- Work events
- Personal nanny on vacation
- Some child-free time
.. and everything in between
The Babysitters List provides a platform for Babysitters to advertise their services. The Babysitters List has verified that all Babysitters aged over 18 years who are listed on the site have a Working with Children Check, but does not otherwise screen Babysitters. Parents are responsible for conducting appropriate screening and checks of prospective Babysitters.
Babysitters are not employees, contractors or agents of the Babysitters List. The Babysitters List has no involvement in any arrangements made between Babysitters and Parents. Parents and Babysitters are responsible for complying with any contractual agreements and/or statutory obligations including in relation to minimum terms and conditions of employment.
The Babysitters List makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of content or information provided on the site or the conduct of Babysitters or Parents. The Babysitters List accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss, damage, accident, injury or expense sustained or incurred by any person in connection with use of this site