The most direct way to find babysitters in Victoria
Our mission is to provide a free online platform where parents and babysitters/nannies can connect.
How much?
Sitters don’t pay to register. Parents don’t pay to search for sitters.
Best of all, we don’t even take any commissions or payments from bookings.
You have full access to all features. For FREE!
Want to Volunteer?
Everything about this site is FREE and there is no advertising.
So with no money coming in we are dependent upon volunteers in the community helping to monitor, moderate & maintain this site.
Are you, or anyone you know interested in helping? Let us know!
Care to Donate?
As well as local moderators sharing the work, we could honestly use donations from our users.
If you try us and love what we do and would like to contribute in some way, you can make a donation to help with our running costs.

By sitters. For sitters.
Borderline crazy? No, we’re babysitters too!
As you can imagine, the site we’ve created was not free to create, or run. We don’t ever want to charge anything so we need some local moderators to help us out.
How you can help? Become a moderator!
You won’t get a medal or a trophy, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that thousands of people within our community are thankful for your help.
You don’t need to make a lifelong commitment but if you want to find out more about how you can become a local moderator, drop us a line here and we’ll be in touch.