So, you’re about to babysit for the first time and a part of you is freaking out a little bit. What do I bring? Will they like me? Should I be looking after kids if I still feel like a kid myself? Hopefully after reading this fundamental babysitting guide, you’ll feel more prepared and ready to take on the job.

Don’t Worry if Things Don’t Go Perfectly

No matter how prepared you are, kids will always throw curveballs at you left, right and centre. Whether it’s a public tantrum that could belong to a Shakespearean play or the onset of a sore tummy, you never know what you’re going to get. 

Although this will become easier with time and you’ll eventually be able to take most things in your stride, you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you get the kids to bed a bit past bedtime or succumb to bribing them with your phone.

Sometimes the best you can do is make sure that no one dies or gets hurt, and that’s OK. Most parents will also understand this as they’ll be quite aware of how difficult it can be. 

In fact, it’s common for children to act up when they have someone new looking after them as they’re testing you to see what they can get away with, so just stay strong and do your best!

Bring Snacks

You never know what the food situation is going to be like as it can vary a lot from family to family. It’s always a good idea to have a muesli bar spare just in case things get desperate. 

However, most families will have food to offer you and will tell you to help yourself to their pantry.

An important thing to remember is to try and avoid anything with nuts, as this is a very common allergy amongst kids and so it’s always best to play it safe just in case.


Always Check with the Parents

If you want to take the kids somewhere fun or give them a treat like ice-cream, it’s usually a good idea to check with the mum or dad first just so you can be sure that it’s OK with them. 

Even if you’re sure that they’ll be alright with it, it’s always worth double checking so that you can be sure and so the parents know that they can trust you.

Don’t Take Things Personally

If you spend most of your time conversing with other adults, then it might come as a bit of a shock when you’re suddenly around these little people who haven’t quite developed a social filter yet when they talk. 

Some of the curveballs I’ve been thrown while babysitting include

“My other babysitter is prettier than you.”

“What is ‘mastrabation’?”

And my personal favourite

“Why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?”

You truly never know what’s going to come out of their mouth next, which can make things very entertaining at times but does also mean that you always have to be on your toes and remember not to let it get to you.

Also, prepare yourself for the kids to take a while to warm up to you. Some kids will be confident right away, while others will take a bit more time and effort.


Have a Coffee (or three)

A lot of experienced sitters will tell you that caffeine is their number one survival tool when working. 

The physical and mental toll that looking after kids can take on you is no joke.

Prepare going to this job as if you were about to go to the gym to do the most intense workout you’ve done in your life. While also trying to stay focused on what’s going on around you at all times, while also explaining to a 5-year-old why they’re not allowed to drive the car and why you’re allowed to tell them what to do as they scream ‘you’re not the boss of me’ at the top of their lungs. 

Within the same minute you can expect to be going from weightlifting (picking the kids up), to mediating (stopping a screaming and hitting match), to sprint training (grabbing a runaway child).


Just Enjoy it

If this is starting to scare you off, don’t worry. Things may have been slightly exaggerated for entertainment’s purpose and to prepare you for the worst.

A lot of the time the kids will be in bed, and you can just relax and watch some TV.

The best thing you can do is just embrace the chaos and enjoy it as much as you can.

About the Author

Maddy’s years of experience babysitting as well as her love of words bring us all we need to know about all things babysitting. She currently runs the Babysitters List site and still looks after kids occasionally.